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Two Reasons to Study Abroad Alone

这篇文章是金博宝由海外教育编写的同行顾问(eapa)Debora Sena'19 ...你好!我是Babson的一名高级Debora,我在国外度金博宝过了我的初级年。在Bric计划期间(2017年秋季),我意识到世界比我想象的更大,并决定在2018年春天的马德里学习IE大学。什么时候......



My Internship Abroad: Peeking into the Australian Work Culture

This blog post was written by Education Abroad Peer Advisor (EAPA) Zoe Feng ’19… During my semester exchange at the University of Sydney in Australia this spring, I took up a local internship alongside my academic studies. My internship role was International Project Assistant at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney.…


The Glavin Office

My Emboldening Experience at the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference (ALSB) in Portland, Oregon

这篇文章的作者是Ta金博宝yo曾庆红的21岁attended the Academy of Legal Studies in Business conference in Portland, Oregon on behalf of Babson to accept an Honorable Mention Award… During the first week of August (10th-13th), I had the pleasure of attending that Academy of Legal Studies in Business annual conference in Portland,…


Lauren Mariano


What would my summer internship be without recognizing the ways in which ET&A is employed? Babson has it ingrained in me to assess opportunities with an entrepreneurial lens. Surprisingly, I found those elements present at the squash startup. Traditionally, squash was available only to those few who could afford to join clubs, and tournaments seen…

金博宝发布了Undergraduate Blog

Katina Orive


The last days of summer internships are coming and with them you have to prepare for the big closing. Just like wrapping up conversations and final projects, you want to leave your internship and supervisors with a bang! Reflection. First and foremost, reflect about your internship. Write down the things that you learned, that you…

金博宝发布了Undergraduate Blog

Katina Orive

Network with Young Professionals

When you start networking with school alumni or other professionals, many times people will tell you that is best to speak with people in senior or manager roles. Individuals in higher positions tend to have more experience in the field as well as more influence in the hiring process of a company, versus a new…

金博宝发布了Undergraduate Blog

Networking While Interning

Networking is a crucial element in developing your professional life. As you intern this summer, take into account that although you might be designated to a specific team and usually stick with that team for the summer, there can be a vast amount of other people that you can get to know if your firm…

金博宝发布了Undergraduate Blog

Daniel O'Hanlon

Babson Alumni: Truly Entrepreneurs of All Kinds

今年夏天,我正在担任Babson College Marketing的兼职实习生,主要专注于通过Babso金博宝n的各种网络营销内容。我的职责是在所有各种数据库的Babson的企业家中进行当前学生和校友的研究和更新型材。金博宝看到各种各样的东西一直很令人着迷

金博宝发布了Undergraduate Blog