
新突破-布列塔尼洛' 14

金博宝帖子来自SoYoon Jun ' 14,创始人如何嫁给:

Brittany Lo ' 14, B。LO, believes that women should feel beautiful every day.由B.LO BeautyBar is a physical place where women can go anytime of the day to get their hairs styled and get their make-up done while enjoying complementary cocktails.

从两岁起,她就对个人打扮产生了浓厚的兴趣。罗女士回忆说,当她妈妈为她的舞蹈表演化妆时,罗女士总是坚持自己化妆。从年轻时起,罗就梦想着拥有自己的化妆品系列。她的梦想终于在她17岁生日那天实现了,她的父母在经济上支持她创立了自己的纯天然化妆品品牌B。LO化妆品。在来到巴布森之后,她扩展了自己的金博宝梦想,并找到了追求美丽的新激情。作为纯天然化妆品系列的创始人,B。LO cosmetics, Lo decided to only use ecofriendly, all-natural organic cosmetic products at BeautyBar by B.LO as she feels strongly about the importance of environmental sustainability.在众多的参赛者中,B。LO is the only company that uses organic cosmetic products.

罗开始创作B的《BeautyBar》。LO since from September 2012 with two other co-founders.2012年,她在巴黎留学时遇到了联合创始人伊丽娜(Irena)和乔希(Josh)。Lo目前是一个选定的参与者WIN(女性创新)实验室并被选为决赛选手SGA这是一项开创性的竞争。罗女士计划在2015年3月前在纽约曼哈顿中城地区开设她的第一家店。发布前,BeautyBar by B。LO will be offering services offsite.罗康瑞还计划与纯天然化妆品品牌合作。

由B.LO BeautyBar recently hosted an event on April 16, 2014 at Babson College Knight Auditorium.Lo很乐意分享B关于BeautyBar的信息。LO services offsite for anyone who may be interested.可以到达blo1@金博宝babson.edu