

I became passionate about pursuing entrepreneurship because it’s one of the only jobs where you have to learn new things every day to improve and move business forward. Some of the things I have learned have been very tactical, like how to manage credit card processing, but some of my takeaways are lessons that can be applied to entrepreneurs in any industry.


  1. 确保您为客户提供他们真正想要的东西。This is a tough one. If you’re someone who created a business that solved a problem in your own life, it’s easy to assume that all of your customers will be exactly like you. When I founded Fedwell, I assumed that all of the attributes of my product that were important to me were important to my customers. Over time, what I found is that my customers and I valued my product attributes differently.
  2. If someone tells you it can’t be done, don’t believe them.我多次犯了错误。大多数企业家努力创新并使不可能的可能。一旦我带来了一个人告诉我,这是不可能的只是为了找出几个月(通过询问别人)我想要做的事情实际上是可能的。如果有人告诉你它无法完成,请尝试至少询问其他人,或者更好地了解为什么无法完成。
  3. 对一切说是的。如果有人想要你讲一个面板上,咖啡fee with their niece, or offers to make an introduction to someone, SAY YES. With limited time, it can be hard to give up your most precious resource for something without knowing about the potential payback. It’s important and valuable to say yes for several reasons. First of all, you never know who you are going to meet or what they might open your mind to, or a connection they might give you. Second of all, it’s important to get out of the office once in a while! Third, it’s important to give back to entrepreneurs just as your mentors did for you.