
Weeks 7-8: Summer Venture Program 2018


与7月4日假期,Summer Venture Program (SVP)从编程中休息一下,以便团队可以深入了解他们的业务,并为剩下的计划充电。我们正式在家里伸展!

Per usual, we began week 8 with some lunch and team updates. During this time, our startups shared their key accomplishment of the past two weeks. They have made incredible progress since the beginning of the program, and it really showed during our team updates.

Fundraising 101 with David Chang

遵循这些更新和美味的午餐鸡肉和米饭(a Babson alum company), David Chang held a session about raising a seed round of funding. This was a smaller workshop for founders to share their investor target lists and pitch tips with one another. Collaborating in these smaller group settings seems to be the most productive environment for our entrepreneurs. Continuing with the fundraising theme, Jackson Stone from Netcapital hosted a workshop on equity crowdfunding. Through this, many of our startups gained insight on various regulations/laws and what those mean for entrepreneurs today. Jackson also gave our founders some advice for creating a strong fundraising campaign, navigating a funding portal, and running a successful online round.

To end the day off, SVP celebrated its 10-year anniversary with a rooftop party at the Babson Boston campus. Past SVP alumni, current participants, and supporters of the program all gathered together for some light snacks and drinks in commemorating this moment. Some of our notable alum who spoke were清洁(2016年SVP),Thero (2017 SVP),认为董事会(2016年SVP),magn(2017年SVP),和waku.(2017)。在SVP内建立的网络和社区是无与伦比的,在我们的庆祝过程中真正闪耀。

The next day Shaymaa Gaafar (Shay Jaffar) presented her newly edited pitch to receive more feedback from the group. Salimata Bangoura then took the floor in pitching her business,Nanny A La Carte。在富有成效的重建会议期间,格鲁吉亚加布里埃拉(点燃), Maya Mutalik (希望缝制), Sarveshwaran Jayaraman and Neal Wagner (WAEC.)在完善她的个人故事和钩子时与Sali一起工作。


周三,我们回到了Babson Boston Campus的一个令人难以置金博宝信的投资者面板。来自这件事的学生新加坡管理大学加入我们的初创公司进行此活动。来自不同团体的五名投资者对接近投资者的一般建议,并回答了人群的几个问题。在这部分活动之后,我们的投资者,初创公司和访问学生爆发成小组,以获得有关初创公司的投资者投资的反馈。关于作为企业家的最困难的部分是找到合适的人民帮助您进一步贵公司。我们五名投资者对最佳寻求和联系的方式提供了无价的提示,并与未来的投资者联系。我们要感谢Natalie BartlettRough Draft Ventures那Parul Singh of创始人集体,Sanjay Manandhar波士顿港天使,Shereen Shermak,Superangel和TJ Mahony同案犯为了他们的时间和建议。投球后,我们的初创公司与来自新加坡管理大学的Exec Master学生联系在一起。

To conclude a busy yet productive week, Maya pitched her social venture and fashion brand—Hope Sews. After reflecting on the feedback other founders gave her, Maya focused on rearranging the order of her pitch to create a smoother flow. Hari Mahesh (独家) and Mara Steiu (ignitED) helped her achieve this goal. Back at工作栏,我们的一些初创公司会见了语音中心to work on their pitch for the upcomingSummer Venture Showcase (which you should all check out)

