

MATR联合创始人Padraig Duna MBA'21认为,食品行业可以更好,更好地做得更好:“我们没有足够的方法来种植食物并制作食物,而不会破坏地球。”这种观点来自他在行业中工作的多年,而且粮食生产缺陷的越来越明智。

当在布鲁克林的食物技术聚会上遇到他的联合创始人汤姆角汤兰时,Padraig正在寻找参与环境保护的方法。他们在酒店行业的共同背景上绑定了他们的共同背景,并看到了眼睛对行业可以不同的事情 - 以及如何。这两个人开始了一个想法。如果他们可以使用食物垃圾来种植食物,像蘑菇?

Why mushrooms? Well, they are packed full of nutrients and offer health benefits. They are trendy and “having a moment” in food culture. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, they are food-source agnostic, meaning they can “feed” from many different types of organic matter, like coffee grounds, and successfully grow.

In Babson’s MBA program, Padraig was able to access new resources and opportunities and quickly realized that the idea could work: “The more work I put in, the more it seemed like a viable idea.” He pitched atRocket Pitch, joined theButler Launch Pad Fast Track Cohort,检查了像竞争分析等里程碑,并决定将MIGR放入其上Summer Catalystprogram.


How are the co-founders navigating the new Zoom reality? For one, it helps to bring Tom and Padraig together. They are in different cities, but the virtual Summer Catalyst program means that they both can participate and access the same content. Within their own team, they have adopted routines like Zoom stand up meetings so they can communicate and stay on track. And virtual networking has been a game changer. Reflecting on the limitations of in-person events and networking, Padraig says, “Let’s never go back.”
