

It’s hard to believe that Week 10 was the final week of夏季催化剂! The 16 Summer Catalyst venture teams achieved major milestones, developed their skills, learned new lessons, and made lasting connections with friends and mentors. They engaged in Hot Seat Sessions, Lunch and Learns, Team Updates, Creative Consultations, and Office Hours. They learned about sales, marketing, pitching, fundraising, finance, legal topics, and more. They overcome obstacles, celebrated wins, and accelerated their startups, all while managing through the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more about the past 10 weeks,check out these blogs




On Monday, the teams participated in a session with辛迪·克莱因Marmerto learn some helpful tips for handling the live networking that was scheduled for after the Summer Catalyst Showcase. Prior to the event, she recommended thinking through the following questions: What’s your goal for the networking session? What would make the event a success?


  • 一定要与谁正在进入变焦拨人参与。
  • 委派的团队成员之间的任务;一个成员可以与观众互动,另一个可以做笔记,和谁等待发言的其他人可以传送讯息给来宾。
  • 之后,不要忘记后续有感谢信的与会者。

Later in the day, entrepreneurs engaged in a meetup with亚当·奥尼尔,联合创始人兼首席执行官Broga。从亚当,他们了解了执行启动的社交媒体战略的最佳实践。


上周三,球队参加了他们最后的午餐及与夏季催化剂主任了解鲍勃·斯金格和SVP校友Meagan PriestMSEL'19,蒂的方正Richard O’BrienMBA'20,CEO和创始人Hoamsy。They discussed next steps and ways to leverage the Summer Catalyst experience moving forward. Fortunately, Summer Catalyst entrepreneurs can stay connected with Babson and access additional resources through the巴特勒发射台



On Thursday, the venture teams presented their pitches at the夏季催化剂展柜,a culmination of all their hard work, accomplishments, and growth. Although the entrepreneurs could not gather in person, the enthusiastic comments from the audience on Facebook Live embodied a sense of celebration!

The Showcase event also included speeches from鲍勃·斯金格德比克莱曼,and an inspirational and empowering fireside chat withMandy Bowman'12,CEO和官方黑华尔街的创始人。展柜后,创业团队托管在放大联网。

What’s next?

