金博宝官网研究生博客/Career Development


研究生入学的头几个月可能会让人望而却步。有一些案例需要阅读,要完成的工作分配,参加小组会议,以及通过网络获得暑期实习机会。Did someone say internship?That's when the panic sets in.你的简历必须更新,必须准备好求职信,并且你必须列出要申请的公司和职位。I was exactly where you are until I booked my appointment with 金博宝Babson's金博宝官网职业发展研究生中心。

Landing an internship in today's crowded job market can be challenging.以下是我利用CCD完成暑期实习的三种方法特洛伊的海伦

  1. Resume Building我与CCD的第一次约会是修改我的简历,使之适合我正在寻找的角色。Every time recruiters see an experience on your resume they ask,“那又怎样?”CCD帮助我回答了这个问题,同时使我的简历更加注重行动。Each bullet point delivered a strong message and highlighted an achievement–this led to great conversations in interviews.
  2. Application Strategy获得实习机会的最好方法不是申请你找到的每一个空缺职位。大多数帖子都要求你提交一封金博宝求职信(与写作专家会面的另一个原因),而且你没有时间为每封信定制一封信。The best next step is to meet a CCD industry specialist who will guide you with the best strategy you should use to apply for internships.They will also put you in touch with 金博宝Babson alumni working in similar industries who you can connect with to learn more about specific job functions.It's networking 101.
  3. Interview Preparation我修改了简历,我的求职信完善了,and sent applications to the right companies.My final step in the process: the interview.我第一次面试着陆后做的第一件事就是和CCD联系。我用杰伊·罗比,Associate Director,Relationship Manager for Health Care/Life Sciences,消费品/零售,Sports and Hospitality.我们仔细阅读了工作描述,并注意到我应该讨论哪些过去的经验,以突出我所做的与所需角色之间的相似之处。他还帮我写了一份“速记表”,上面有面试官过去问过的问题以及他们在找什么答案。我还安排了一些时间,通过CCD与行业专业人士进行模拟面试。Of course I was still a little nervous before I went in for my first and second round of interviews but this process definitely helped me be prepared and more confident during the interview.
