Faculty & Leadership Blog/标签:念珠菌刷

Michael Chmura


Edward Elgar出版了《Elgar研究议程》,出版了《妇女与创业研究议程》。The publication is edited by Candida G.刷子,富兰克林W。Olin Distinguished Chair of Entrepreneurship and Vice Provost of Global Entrepreneurial Leadership at 金博宝Babson,and Patricia G.格林,以前的保罗T。金博宝Babson Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson.…

金博宝Babson Faculty


This 金博宝post originally appeared on Forbes.By: Candida Brush Chair,13年来第一次创业师,全球创业监测(GEM)对59个经济体的研究表明,在三个经济体和四个经济体中,女性的创业率高于男性,利率几乎相等。In Ghana,Nigeria…

Michael Chmura

Are You An Entrepreneur?

Most people would say "no" to this question- but this is largely because entrepreneurship is narrowly defined as ‘starting a business'- by this definition,人口相对较少的是创业者。美国全球创业监测网http://www.babson.edu/academics/centers/blank center/global research/gem/documents/gem%20us a%20executi金博宝ve%20report%202010.pdf显示,只有约7.7%的美国人口积极参与创业……

Michael Chmura

Still A Glass Ceiling For Women Seeking Equity Capital

Last week I had the pleasure of teaching a seminar for the top Entrepreneurial Winning Women who have been recognized by Ernst and Young.  These women are successful in every way,在他们的比赛中,and have sales of a million to tens of millions.  They have businesses in every sector- software,fitness,…

Michael Chmura


最近关于就业的报告提出了一个问题,即创业企业实际上是如何发展的。policy-makers,学术研究人员,entrepreneurs and governments measure the number of full time jobs created as the single most important mark of economic growth.  Clearly when companies increase the number of full time employees,这会对很多人产生影响…

Michael Chmura

Why Women Entrepreneurs Don't Receive Funding


Michael Chmura

Where Are The Women Entrepreneurs?

Wednesday we released the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Women's Report on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.  This report is the most comprehensive research on attitudes and behaviors of men and women entrepreneurs in the world.  Prof.Donna Kelley of 金博宝Babson College presented a summary of the report which notes that there are 104 million early…


新西兰是一个小企业国家,创业精神生机勃勃。to Wellington,to Dunedin and up through the lake country of the South Island.Of the 50 million sheep in this country,I think I have seen about 250,000 (give or take…

Michael Chmura

Global Mega City Vs Small Regional City

I had been with Professor Brush to attend the JASVE conference in Niigata,Japan.(See her two recent blog entries – #1 and #2).The conference's theme for this year was "New Venture Creation and Regional Economies (roughly translated)," and it is certainly a reflection of the long-held concerns about bi-polarization of economic development and activities between…