News & Announcements Blog/Library

Finally: Ebrary has a new e-book reading platform!

The long-awaited update to how one readsEbrary‘s e-books has finally happened!现在你只需滚动浏览一本电子书——不再需要一页一页地阅读。Check out the new interface!Also,information about whether or not an e-book is available for downloading is clearly presented.

[Note: IfEbraryis slow to load,wait a bit,but then try clicking on the page refresh symbol (or its equivalent,to stop loading),然后页面将加载得更快。]

This is what the reader looks like now:


What isEbrary?埃布拉里是一个超过12万册的电子图书的集合,涵盖所有学科,with strong business content.As with all our research databases,it's on ourDatabases A-Z page.