新闻与公告博客/标签:数据库试验 - 第2页

Patricia Berens


金博宝巴布森(Babson)对CQ全球研究人员的审判访问权限将于2月13日运行。访问CQ全球研究人员。“ CQ全球研究人员权威地传达了世界:多维和细微差别。像CQ研究人员一样,CQ Global Researcher提出了单首主题报告,这些报告会立即磨损当前的危机和事件(这是国际上的时间),同时……

艾米丽·迈尔斯(Emily Miles)

数据库试验 - 欢迎反馈!

We have trials to three more EBSCOhost databases this month: Econlit with Full-Text: EconLit with Full Text contains all of the content available in EconLit, plus full text for many journals including titles from the American Economic Association, including: American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, and Journal of Economic Perspectives. This database also includes…