Creating Social Value Blog/Social Innovation

Compassion and Kinship at Homeboy Industries

I’m so grateful to my colleague, Rachel Greenberger, for sharingthis incredible TED talkwith our team. We’ve profiled Babson alumni businessInnercity Weightliftingand their significant work helping former gang members, ex-cons, and at risk youth on this blog in the past. This work is deeply personal for me, as I’ve done some work with at-risk populations and have been a client ofInnercity Weightliftingfor almost two years. So, to see the passion and dedication of Fr. Gregory Boyle as well as the success ofHomeboy Industries makes me beam with pride.

Some may see this video as religious, and that’s missing the point. Fr. Greg is a priest, but his message is about creating and fostering a community, and about getting the individual to realize that he is a valuable, treasured part of that community. This is about helping all individuals, regardless of past mistakes, find a better way. And this is about each of us remembering that we can transcend our stereotypes, long-held beliefs, and circumstances to create a better world.

This talk made me laugh and cry, and served as a perfect reminder for why I want to be part of this great community.