Undergraduate Blog/职业发展

在大流行期间在医院营养;Why Virtual is Better

2020年2月,我提供了我的梦想实习;剑桥健康联盟的绩效改进和运营。这是我能看到自己在兴业和个人身上发展的空间,它将我对医疗保健的热情与我的新发现熟练程度管理。在Covid-19大流行的开始期间,如果我能够完成实习,就不清楚。幸运的是,我有机会远程完成实习。我不仅有机会在全球大流行期间在医疗保健行业工作,但我已经背负着与我的主管合作的挑战。它已成为克服超出实习范围的挑战。为“现实世界”做准备不能更好地了解到今天我们都面临的“现实世界”问题。时间管理,自我激励,沟通,组织和努力工作是我所预期的10倍的技能。如何通过Google Hoogout沟通如何沟通? How do I ensure I stay focused everyday? What tools can I use to remain organized? How do I create professional relationships with supervisors I have only ever seen through a computer screen? How do I highlight my engagement in projects and with the organization as a whole during my meetings? These are just a few of the questions I ask myself as I embark on the opportunity I did not anticipate I would be given.