

正如我实习的第二周结束,我决定写下我注意到的文化的一些关键差异。在组织结构和工作流程的方面,金融资本的实习似乎对我来说非常不同。我以前有一些在大公司中的行动经验,所以这里的实习生有一个非常独特的维度。我喜欢有机会与员工建立一些个人联系,并从他们的背景,经验和专业知识中学习。俄罗斯的工作文化起初对我来说是震惊的,因为与乌克兰和美国相比,俄罗斯人倾向于以后开始工作。与议程,明确的会议计划和报告相比,会议和谈判的性质对此具有非正式的结构。虽然我的经验非常独特,但该公司拥有国际合作伙伴,我仍然能够区分俄罗斯工作文化中普遍的一些趋势。在周末与您的同事一起出去玩在这里并不少见,因为你在一周内至少花了40个小时。服装不像我预期的专业人士,所以在第一周,我在大部分时间都过度了。我的同事喜欢保持简单和优雅,他们知道如何穿着风格。 The living stereotype that they like to wear black outfits is gradually dying out as people pick up new trends and try to look more modern and European.

Questions are an integral part of learning experience and they arise very frequently. Anything from “how to say this?” to “what is this food” to something more personal goes on constantly on my mind. I don’t mind asking other people those questions and so far nobody was ever rude with me or impolite. If I have any questions about the assignments and work, my co-workers are always happy to help. Overall, my transition to the new environment was quite enjoyable.