
Key Takeaways and Advice from My Internship


  1. 即使你不是“学习,”你是。在我的实习之初,我认为我没有学习像我可以。相反,我教别人和自己。这些都是领导和协作能力,我用。我也处理冲突,我能学习的榜样。从这些情况下,我们能够理解如何解决冲突。这是我学到的软技能的例子。并非所有的技能都必须完全的技术!
  2. 成为社会!我已经通过了实习的过程中作出了一些真正伟大的朋友。这是非常有乐趣其他人了解的过程,我感觉如何。不仅如此,但他们能够帮助我成长为一个人在个人和专业。
  3. Express your emotions and opinions. I feel that working at a smaller and start-up company, it easier to get your opinions through to the higher ups and make changes. I definitely feel that for this to even happen, you need to tell them how you feel. There were situations where I felt that the company would benefit from certain changes that they could make and I told them that. They were understanding and accepting of my opinions. I also made sure these opinions were not just completely personal, but had some research or evidence behind them.
