
被聘用 - COVID版

COVID在我们的生活改变了很多情况,包括相关的工作机会和实习搜索的人。因为我大三开始,我是专门在一个公司,这将提供给我宝贵的知识和技能得到一个实习的机会。此外,我希望做一些事情,我热爱的。我已安排了CCD顾问开会,我们已经提出的战略,这将使我更接近我的目标。我已经研究了很多网站的在线访问了招聘会,并试图成为网络更好。我花了几个月的看到这个复杂的过程的第一个成果,但它是一切都是值得的 - 我得到了一个实习的位置在谷歌,他们的欧洲总部。然而,随大流,我的提议被废止,因为这个项目我本来是要在工作被搁置。我很伤心,失落,因为它似乎像这样的实习是我辛辛苦苦的一切,一切我需要跳开始我的职业生涯。但是,我知道,在我的愿望没有改变多少工作在夏季和实践中学习。我还没有重新开始我的搜索。 It was not as exciting as the first time around – the majority of position have been filled prior to April, and some firms have cut back on their hiring efforts. However, I came across this company called Financial Capital – it is a boutique investment management firm, and I liked their investment philosophy and their current projects so much that I decided to shoot them an email. After going back and forth about their history and my aspirations, I have scored an interview and got an offer. I am so happy that I haven’t hesitated about sending them this email. It was just a knock on the door, which then opened and gifted me more opportunities I could ever wish for. I am also thankful that CCD was their every step of the way to support me, and when the things did not go as intended, I still kept applying all of the tips I heard from my advisor.