

Yes, I said it. Votary Film’s Director of Human Resources is a dog. And I, along with the rest of the company would not want it any other way. From first getting into the office and having Harvey sprint from one end of the office to the other end just to greet you is such a gift I take for granted. Then, as all Votary employees work diligently at their desks, we get a comforting reminder. A furry figure rubs up against our legs asking us to pet his head or throw his tennis ball. And honestly, though this could be looked at as a simple, little thing, his presence changes everything. He changes the way employees connect, work, and love. As Harvey reminds us that he is here, he at the same time is reminding us that we are fully seen and known. His presence is company transforming.

Harvey is the epitome of what company culture is like at Votary. On Votary’s website,https://votaryfilms.com/这狗,哈维被评为人力资源总监。不仅大家识别哈维担任人力资源总监,但他确实是我们的精神动物和公司的吉祥物。即使我们有一个客户,面带微笑的同事一个轻描淡写地说,“我希望你喜欢狗”。哈维是我们的日常办公中,爱我们的客户迎接。他同时带来了我们整个公司。

Harvey’s parent is the Creative Director, Jono, who is such a skilled filmmaker (as you can view a number of his produced masterpieces here:计画ps://vimeo.com/votaryfilms)。哈维一直是我实习的一个极其重要的组成部分。他的出现使我意识到我真的很喜欢和我的同事们的个人关系。此外,我值随人是动物爱好者,并有足够的冷静,不仅工作在办公室狗,但一办公室狗。同时,这里有哈维帮助在我生命给予的祝福我,不要走 - 无论是祝福哈维是我的生命和衷心的那一刻他的存在使我们所有的同事们的休息。决不判断在他们的办公室动物公司 - 相反,倾身,提问,并接受温暖的拥抱。