本科博客金博宝官网/ Tag: finding the right internship


With the world moving more and more to our cell phones and everything becoming digital, it’s very easy to get lost. Lost in the tabs, tasks, and top priorities. For someone who had the opportunity for two internships, seized it, and then committed to working 70+ hours a week, time management was a challenge. Having…

Fear is the Biggest Obstacle to Effectively Networking



今年夏天,我正在担任两个珠宝初创企业的营销实习生:Ashita New York,租用珠宝。我很兴奋进去,因为我相信两个公司都不得不破坏珠宝行业。Ashita New York旨在通过色彩缤纷的金制造包容性的社区和传播阳性......

What to look for in a first-year internship

I have completed my 6-week-long internship in a consultancy company, and I can genuinely say it was the best internship I ever had. What made it so special was the opportunity to intern in different departments and explore several career interests. My program let me intern in a different department each week in the beginning…

Walker Praznik

Do you even want an internship?

你终于给了babson。金博宝你开始你的第一学期,在久违之前,你谈论暑期实习。突然间,它突然出现在你 - 它是9月,你的同龄人申请实习,直到明年五月就没有开始。你立即登录握手并开始...