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我刚在国家电网完成了第一天的实习。National Grid is a Britsh energy and utility company focused on bringing clean energy in the UK and Northeast US.As someone with no real knowledge of the utility industry,一开始我在定向时很紧张。我…

Maddie Sheng


直到上周,New York City has always been a tourist destination for me.现在,I'm shifting the lens and viewing the city as a catapult for my future career,从暑期实习开始。从搬进来,参与公司定位,认识了很多新朋友,不用说我的第一周…


Attacking Your Internship

你在网上申请,完成面试过程,receive your acceptance letter,感受世界的顶峰。You book your housing,找个室友,and are ecstatic to begin your internship.Only you are not alone.The other interns in your class from Wharton,康奈尔,密歇根州都在准备…


You know your goals?Now share them

经常,我听过人们出于各种原因说“保持沉默”或“不要分享你的目标”,所以没有人知道他们是否能够实现他们的目标。然而,I think sharing our goals may create a link between us and someone who can help us achieve your…

Natalie Novak


放松,it's not really a big deal.出国后的金博宝实习寻找压力几乎是不可能逃脱的。像差援引年轻成人小说,它慢慢地爬到你身上,然后一下子就崩溃了。你几乎可以感觉到其他孩子的不安全感,所有人都相信任何学生…


Reading Between the Stripes

在纽约的一家时尚初创公司工作到底是什么感觉?在一句话中,my internship is a little like The Devil Wears Prada,除了那个邪恶的老板,but add pile… or ten…of colorful striped tees.  Just as it sounds,我确实在办公室之间绕着曼哈顿转,the factory,…

Walker Praznik

Do you even want an internship?

You have finally made it to 金博宝Babson.你开始你的第一学期,and before long you overhear people talking about summer internships.All of a sudden it dawns on you–it's September and your peers are applying for internships that do not begin until May of the next year.你马上登录握手开始…

Business Communications and Promotion in the Era of Social Media

For the past two weeks,我已经在TRU实习了,股份有限公司。,这是一家位于纳蒂克的初创企业,MA that produces functional performance supplements.作为实习生,我是社交媒体运营部负责人,负责社交媒体影响者的宣传和管理!What are social media influencers?…



I have the privilege to intern with the American Heart Association in Denver this summer.Below,I have compiled an A-Z list of what the AHA does,给未来实习生的一些建议,还有一些个人笔记。享受!美国心脏协会(AHA);The non-profit I'll be interning at this summer.  Billion.美国心脏协会资助了更多…


I've always been obsessed with employment.我的假设是,我的激情既是时代的一个功能,又增加了对工作的关注,即身份认同(无论有何缺陷)。work as both life's form and function,以及我家族的自然遗产:我父亲是一名代表雇员的职业律师。I've probably been footnoting…