大学生博客金博宝官网/ Tag: Travel

My Experience with Modern Slavery in Thailand


Jacob Heller

实习期结束了,Now What?

上周我完成了在德勤以色列的实习,在那里我有着不可思议的经历。我遇到的人,the places I went,and the work I did was so amazing I could have never imagined it.但现在我不打算每天8:30工作,我就要…

Miranda Ditmore


去年春天我在爱丁堡留学,Scotland.After a semester of traveling,吃了美味的食物,and meeting lifelong friends,I was fully onboard the I love abroad bandwagon.By the end of the semester I wasn't ready to give up my freedom and friendships,but my internship start date was drawing near.So…



Working and living in a country to which you have never travelled is an ongoing,全天候学习经验。这就是我的意思。正如预期的那样,每天为公司工作的时间提供了大量的信息,but that doesn't stop when lunch comes around;sitting to eat…

金博宝Babson San Francisco

一生中的机会在旧金山!PART 2

After a competitive application process in the fall of 2017,今年一月,一组二十四名选修生开始了他们在旧金山的“学期”。Two months in,这群人从他们在海湾边的城市里的冒险经历中获得了无数令人惊叹的回忆。我真的很高兴能把自己算在这些学生中,…

金博宝Babson San Francisco


Since fall 2014,金博宝巴布森-乌格雷斯有机会在旧金山度过了一个学期,以创业活动闻名的城市,disruptive technology,以及创新文化。The SF Bay Area is home to some of the most influential businesses + startups in the world and is the leading center for venture capital investment.大多数…

A New Play Every Night… In London

Before coming to 金博宝Babson many of you all might have heard about the long list of study abroad programs that are offered for the full year or even a semester,但是,你不会倾向于听到你可以选择的较短的国外选项。国外的选修课是为像我这样有条件的人而设的…


加纳?Are You Sure?

我大二的第一个学期就要结束了,我正在想我大三的样子。当我和系主任研究我的学业计划时,我意识到我有机会出国学习一个学期。I did some research on…