Living Entrepreneurship Blog/Babson Entrepreneurs

Tips to Attract Customers to a New Business

An essential step in starting one’s own business is attracting customers. Customers can provide positive reviews for the company, which in turn can boost sales. What is the best way to bring those initial customers to a new company? First, determine and list the people that would be most interested in the company’s product. This list may include friends, peers, classmates, employees, neighbors, and family members. These people are known as the “warm market.” After comprising the list of people, sendinvitationsannouncing the new business in a way that creates excitement, possibly offering a special discount or a free session. Encourage the recipients to send referrals to the new business by paying a “bird-dog” fee. Also, make use of the phone and catch-up with acquaintances. Then, let them know of the new business and current promotions. Last, set up breakfast or lunch meetings with contacts, to discuss the new company, get their feedback, and request referrals.