
在“金砖四国”C !

这是我们在中国的第一个星期。尽管我们中的许多人仍在适应中国环境,最明白,改变和适应一个新地方需要时间,我们需要尽力进入新的文化。从Chang教授的课程,它容易适应自从我们开始例行公事。我们已经在早上上课我们研究一些情况下,如租金跑道,ASC葡萄酒,和野生的中国。早晨上课后,我们下午业务访问我们能够理解和了解中国的商业环境。例如,我们参观了律师事务所罗兰程讨论几个Latham & Watkins的观察在中国对外国投资者和企业;我们中的许多人能够问他我们本土国相关问题。到目前为止,中国已经相当惊人。尽管这是一个非常拥挤的城市,它有许多技术进步和很多种类的产品,帮助我们更快的调整以适应新环境。这些技术的进步使我们了解中国是世界真正的在日常生活的许多方面。 This includes the high speed rail that connects nearly 100 million people within a one hour travel radius of Shanghai, the amazing advertisements on the metro station and even how much of a blessing WeChat is. WeChat for those reading this is a service that helps one to do everything from communicate to pay to engage with companies that are trying to market themselves. We also visited an old water town that the tour guide compared to Venice and truly got to see aspects of historical China. The food was unusual with snails and other such mystery meats offered at the dining table. Going back to the food experiences we had, almost all our group dinners were amazing and the collective nature of Chinese culture is truly emphasized at the dining table. Various dishes are put out and everyone is forced to share the food and truly engage in conversation, a stark difference to Russia where we were a few days ago. Finally, a lot of the restaurants had private rooms and upon further looking into, we realized that a lot of the business meetings take place in these private rooms and involve a lot of alcohol and a lot of expensive food! DEFINITELY the best way to do business!
