Living Entrepreneurship Blog/Babson Entrepreneurs

Diversity in the Workplace

The following post is from Kari Chan ’17.

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

As part ofONE Weekon April 9th, 2016, we invited back four Babson alumni, three of whom were involved with ONE during their time at Babson. We had the pleasure of hearing from Marcial Carrion ’10, Alexander Place ’12, Tyler Blake ’14, and Taelyr Roberts ’15. The focus of this event was simply put—Diversity In The Workplace.

When our moderator began to ask questions that we came up with on our own, we soon realized through the answers that each panelists gave that this would not be your typical business-oriented panel about networking, cold e-mailing, meeting new people, or just going out and taking risks. While some of their answers alluded to or implied a few of these things, what made all of the panelists stand out was how truthful and upfront they were regarding their experience after college. They gave real and honest answers that impacted many of us and I know from speaking to the audience afterwards that this would be one of the events they would remember after they leave Babson. The panelists talked about the difficulties, struggles, and societal matters that we, as college students getting ready to face the real world, may or may not encounter along the way to accomplishing our goals. They shared their reflection on their time while at Babson and as each panelist had a different career background, spoke to how it influenced their ability to embark on their respective jobs, ventures, and goals thus far. Additionally, they were able to discuss the importance of diversity not just in the importance of larger minority representation in the workplace but also how that aspect leads to diversity in thought and action within team collaborations and how that sparks even greater success and effectiveness.

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

I believe this event, although not entirely focused on entrepreneurship, demonstrated how Babson as a school that emphasizes entrepreneurial thought and action, was able to help prepare and impact each of these alumni in handling real life situations even though not all of the panelists are involved in your typical start-up environment.