
More than a Dance


What comes to your mind when you think of ballet?如果你和我一样,you think of little girls wearing tutus dancing on their tip toes,occasionally tripping because they are trying to perform moves that should not be humanly possible.

I never thought to myself that I would enjoy watching a ballet performance but that changed when I got to see a performance ofSleeping Beautyat the Mikhailovsky Theater in Saint Petersburg.如果有人能说服一个讨厌芭蕾的人看到芭蕾的美,it is the Russians.

睡美人是一个大多数人都知道的故事——一位王子接吻来唤醒一位睡公主,从此他们过着幸福的生活。很难用3小时的故事来表达你的想法,更不用说跳舞了!但是当你像俄国作曲家柴可夫斯基一样是天才的时候,anything is possible.和马吕斯·佩蒂帕一起,he transformed the fairy tale in a three act performance,仅通过音乐和舞蹈讲述的故事。

故事很简单,但很优雅。Striking,even.The mood in the crowd shifted from delight to gasps when the villain,卡拉博斯,出现并诅咒公主至死。The crowd was on the prince's side when he worked with the Lilac fairy to fight against Carabosse and the final wedding scene – breathtaking.

When the show was over,整个人群都在欢呼鼓掌。In fact,我认为我从未经历过比这里的观众鼓掌时间长的任何其他节目或体验。At one point I thought it would never end but can you blame the crowd when they just witnessed an authentic Russian ballet performance?

如果我必须用一个词来描述表演,it would be "graceful." Dozens of dancers were leaping back and forth,旋转和流动的方式,你从未想过人类可以搬进来。They made it look so easy;但我敢肯定,如果我试着像他们一样移动,我会摔倒在地。我甚至想象不出辛勤工作的多少,effort,这些舞者投入了他们的技艺。

观众中也有一些有趣的事情。The 金博宝Babson BRIC 2016 students were dressed in our fanciest clothes,就像传统的做法一样。但也有一些人只穿着T恤和牛仔裤。Also,有很多孩子。有趣的事实:科伊尔教授说,Russians take their kids to a Russian ballet the way Americans take their kids to a baseball game.

芭蕾舞团不仅仅是穿着芭蕾舞裙跳舞的小女孩,it is a performance art.If you are ever in Russia,you should definitely go watch a ballet performance!这是一种前所未有的体验,你可能会发现对像我这样的俄罗斯文化的一种新的欣赏!
