Living Entrepreneurship Blog/The Arts

An Introduction: Your Newest BabsonARTS Marketing Assistant

Greetings everyone! My name is Malvika Sheth and I’m a sophomore at Babson who hopes to bridge the gap between business and the arts through a Marketing and Entrepreneurship-centered education. Born and brought up in California, a true melting pot of cultures, I couldn’t have been more pleased to have found myself in the diverse community of Babson. With so many different cultures working together to achieve the unified goal of understanding business however, I find that the arts are essential. Arts allow for a celebration of differences among us, and in turn provide a balance to the homogeneity of being “business students,” because they serve as an outlet for unique self-expression. I view myself seemingly well-versed in the arts–I have been a dancer since age 6, pianist since age 5, and have had an obsessive interest in fashion since as far back as I can discern. Fashion was a big part of my world even before the word itself was in my dictionary–my mother and grandmother were both extremely conscientious about ensuring that they were well groomed and presented at all times.

Upon my arrival at Babson, I worried about how I could continue to pursue these passions, believing that the community was entirely business oriented. Luckily, the mere existence of BabsonARTS, coupled with the diverse artistic talents that a vast majority of Babson students had, reassured me that arts would be a major component of my time here; I immediately felt that my unique abilities were and would continue to be genuinely welcomed. Though I am still working to define the exact relationship between arts and business, I believe that my tasks here as the BabsonARTS Marketing Assistant will support and propel my understanding of the two disciplines and how they can work together to support each other. Thus far in the fashion realm, I have been inspired by icons like Anna Wintour, as well as several “influencers” who have merged business and fashion through social media. A commonality between these inspirations is that they have business models that rely upon their aesthetic and fashion expertise to advise populations, all the while demonstrating an evident proficiency in both communication and marketing strategies.

Seeing as there are some ties between at least the art of fashion and business, I am thoroughly excited for my new position with BabsonARTS; I believe it will further my goal of educating myself in marketing, and will hopefully help me materialize how I plan to combine my passion for fashion with business. I know the job will be a great hands on experience, and what truly is amazing about it is that it will allow me to promote individuals with artistic passions, regardless of how similar or different they are to my own.