

The following post is from Mohit Juneja MBA’18, founder ofIndulgeYoSelf.com™. IndulgeYoSelf.comTMis augmented reality for virtual try-on. Specifically, “Warby Parker for Jewelry.”

莫希特Juneja MBA'18,创始人IndulgeYoSelf.com™




Today, the lack of standards and infrastructure to affordably produce VR and AR content at scale and at an affordable price point remains a major roadblock to the deployment of these technologies in marketing. However, cosmetic companies use AR to recommend products to customers that are based on what shades of makeup match their complexions. Similar use case open potential for marketers to offer highly immersive and intimate experience on top of new storytelling capabilities. This author believes AR will soon emerge as a winner because technologies such as Indulge.Yo.Self are combining AR with analytics at a low cost and on preferred devices to enable marketers to engage consumers in more places and more frequently.
