Living Entrepreneurship Blog/金博宝巴布森企业家


扎兰·雅各布森21岁,founder of One God

The following 金博宝post is from Zaylan Jacobsen '21,一个上帝的创始人。One God is a Christian street-wear company working with NCAA Division I football players to create the next generation of influencers and role models.

今年年初,I was working on a business idea that I thought was gold.我和我的两个商业伙伴在过去的六个月里每天都在进步,非常有信心这是个好主意。但是有一天,my confidence came to a screeching halt.我和我商业兄弟会的一个兄弟出去吃早餐,delta sigmaπ,and asked for feedback on my business.简而言之,he told me it was way too complicated and that I needed to simplify it if there was going to be any chance of it working out.

我当时觉得自己被打败了,但经过仔细思考,我意识到他是对的。I also realized that to find the value in any business idea it takes a process of refinement.我喜欢将这一过程与金矿开采进行比较:

你见过黄金是如何开采的吗?矿工们将挖出数百磅的泥土,并将其运过各种疯狂的机器。从一吨泥土中,他们可能会剩下八分之一盎司的黄金。Think of your business idea as that ton of dirt.它现在很大,but there's something really valuable in there.我对你的建议是,坐下来,对你的想法进行完善。切掉它,tear it down,ask for feedback from dozens of people,在精炼机里运行它,直到你只剩下那一小块黄金。

现在你已经把一吨泥土提炼成一盎司黄金的一小部分。这才是可能奏效的。That's what might have value.简单点,more feasible,and generally a better idea than the ton of dirt ever was.你不需要改变主意,你只需要找到真正有价值的部分。