

Throughout the entrepreneurial journey, participants will need to use effective and creative problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles. Some challenges may include determining appropriate pricing for the product, finding investors, or fundraising. Another challenge is making time for self-care amidst our hectic schedules.

虽然主要集中于本周的活动on fundraising and investment, the discussions also illuminated the importance of leveraging support networks for help with tackling challenges.



This week’s Team Update’s session exemplified the vibrant sense of community and support that exists in Summer Catalyst. The entrepreneurial journey involves a lot of hard work, perseverance, and determination and some days or weeks can seem overwhelming. During especially challenging times like these, having a strong support network is essential. After presenting their usual “asks” and updates, one of the break out groups talked about strategies to create a better work life balance. While showing great empathy, the entrepreneurs shared methods they use to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and incorporate self-care when the work pace feels overwhelming. Not only is self-care essential for our health and wellbeing, but it can also lead to increased productivity.


今天晚些时候,菲利克斯Guelfucci MSEL'20投BONAMIat Hot Seat and entered a rebuild session designed to help him revise the presentation. David Chang also hosted office hours.


周二,MacBrennan皮特'22进入炎热的座位投球Cabana Health,这使您的健康状况在一个屋檐下的应用程序。此后,球队有机会参加与健康小屋和办公室小时重建会议Emily Green。我也引发另一系列的创作磋商,其内容提醒企业,并通过设计创造性解决问题,而思维。


如今,球队参加了一个令人兴奋和翔实的午餐和学习上的企业家,顾问,投资和天使投资筹款David Chang。During this session, teams learned the best practices for raising a seed round and tips for pitching to investors.

随后,夏催化剂加盟参加一个特殊的咖啡聊天胡安·希拉尔MBA ’18, and co-founder ofWaku。在本届会议期间,胡安分享他的故事,提供了有益的建议,并谈及了解你的“为什么”在这段时间的重要性。


On day four, Aria Mustary ’21 was in the Hot Seat pitchingMai Soli,彻底变革如何童婚问题是通过创业解决的基础。在重建会议上,麦索利收到了立竿见影的反馈改进和加强间距。



对于第7周,团队将从事热座位的会议,团队更新,创意磋商。他们也将有机会事件中探索法律专题与律师,包括午餐和有学习杰里米·哈尔彭和Office小时迪内希MelwaniWill Perkins,and本·豪