

Imagine what it would be like to practice your presentations in a conference room setting, with an interactive audience that would give you instant feedback. What if you could simply put on a headset, enter a virtual world, and practice presenting in a professional environment just about anywhere you’d like? Sree Dasari ’23, CEO and Co-Founder ofVadati.,创建了一个创新的虚拟现实模拟,这就是这样。


Drawing inspiration from personal experiences, Sree was eager to make the process of presenting less stressful for others: “Growing up, presenting in front of others was extremely nerve-wracking for me. Even if I had to raise my hand and answer a question in class, I would start shaking and sweating. But soon I realized that as you present more and more, you become less anxious. I practiced presentations with my family and friends but the experience wasn’t the same. So I began to wonder, is there a way to effectively simulate a professional presentation environment and practice public speaking with virtual reality technology?”

Sree’s curiosity and passion for the topic led her to begin an initial research project. Her work was published in the新兴调查人员杂志是由哈佛大学管理的期刊,也得到了认可美国心理协会(APA)。她还在罗德岛科学和工程博览会上授予“最佳”(RISEF)和won the Lt. Governor’s音高比赛。摆脱势头并兴奋地将她的想法变成现实,斯里人开始了自己的创业旅程,开始了Vadati。


根据Sree的说法,将抽象理念变成有形现实的过程是成为企业家最有价值的部分。她学到的一些最宝贵的课程是什么?“打开改变,总是反思你所做的事情。尽可能地联系他人并与尽可能多的人交谈。一定要真正理解并解决客户的痛苦点。“此外,Sree鼓励有抱负的企业家参加第一步:“只是为了它 - 你可以花很多时间怀疑是否值得。但即使启动失败,您将从过程中学习这么多,知识可以帮助您创造更好的东西。“

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