

According to塑料海洋国际,we produce “over 300 million tons of plastic every year, 50% of which is for single use purposes…More than 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans every year.” Alarmed by the deleterious environmental effects of single use plastics,Mild SuwanpimolkulMBA'21急于有所作为,而且,在她自己的话说,“从上游解决塑料废弃物问题。”

于是,她利用她的家族企业在橡胶制造业的核心竞争力,S.K.聚合物有限公司, 创造保留,公司提供创新的,时尚的,可持续的橡胶制品。他们的第一个产品是可重复使用的稻草,和即将推出的产品包括可重复使用的波霸吸管,杯子,容器等。轻度解释她是如何创造了这个词,储备:“除了保护环境,重新加也即成是指具有相同的产品服务上一遍又一遍,而不是单次使用的塑料产品服务。”

In夏季催化剂,Mild has appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with a community of ambitious entrepreneurs and talented mentors. Throughout the summer, the ReServe team has worked hard to incorporate in the U.S., develop new products, connect with customers, and build B2B co-branding partnerships. Their advisorDavid Chang提供了宝贵的反馈和指导,因为他们朝着这些目标努力。


证明弹性和能够主when faced with obstacles are essential parts of the entrepreneurial journey. The ReServe team developed innovative ways to continue the product development process. For instance, they held virtual focus groups to demo prototypes and receive feedback from customers. They built prototypes using materials that are easily accessible at home to demonstrate a proof of concept. Additionally, they are actively working to turn those prototypes into finished products that address consumer interests and needs.

为有抱负的entreprene温和有什么建议urs? One: be strong, resilient, and find unique ways to deal with challenges. Two: be curious, ask a lot of questions, and reach out to others when you need help. Three: collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs and learn from one another. Four: lead your team with respect and diplomacy, rather than domination. Five: prioritize your health and wellbeing; it will help you feel better and can increase productivity.


