Living Entrepreneurship Blog/ Tag: Marketing Tips

2019 SVP Startup Profile: Growth Cave

Does your business have a presence on Facebook? Did you know that you could bring significant sales traffic to your business through Facebook advertising? SVP participant Lucas Lee-Tyson ‘20 was able to create an entire business of his own by teaching other businesses how to do just that, founding Growth Cave. Recently I met with…

Babson Hatchery

Three Common Misconceptions about SEO

The following post is from Sean O’Neill MBA’18, founder of Toast! The Toast! tablet helps alcohol drinkers maintain a healthy liver and healthy body, while avoiding a hangover in the morning. As a former inbound marketing consultant, I have run across my fair share of puzzling misconceptions about SEO. But there are three main misconceptions…

Ziyan Liu

Week 6-7: Summer Venture Program 2017

Summer Venture Program is heating up! We’re more than halfway through the program, and all of our venture are growing rapidly and are making amazing progress. On Monday, June 26, we had a Lunch and Learn session on the topic of marketing strategy with one of our advisors, Dan Towvim. Dan shared his stories and…

Babson Hatchery

Scaling Your Startup

The following post is from David Zamarin ’20, founder of DetraPel, a fall 2017 hatchery business. Every startup founder will always hit a block on the road. Sometimes those blocks could include a manufacturing issue, a loss of customers, or an internal issue with the team. But, there is almost certainly one problem that every…

Promotional Christmas Cards

Promotional Christmas cards are a great way to stay in touch with your mailing list, frequent customers or future prospects. When designing your holiday cards, it’s a good idea to remember that many other businesses also use seasonal cards for promotion—how can you make your holiday card stand out from the rest? There are a…

The Effect of Social Media on Business

With the increase of social media sites on the web, companies have found a way to market and improve upon their products by using the newly-established field of text mining technology. Social networking sites and blogs allow companies to bypass traditional market research methods and get opinions directly from the consumer. By processing this information,…

Direct Marketing with Holiday Cards

There are many types of direct marketing strategies, but some of the most effective campaigns are the ones that don’t look like direct marketing. Holiday cards are still a time-honored tradition between friends and family, even in the Internet age this is a popular way stay in touch. Consider using a custom printed holiday card as…