Living Entrepreneurship Blog/金博宝巴布森的企业家

Week 6-7: Summer Venture Program 2017

Dan Towvim Lunch and Learn

Summer Venture Programis heating up! We’re more than halfway through the program, and all of our venture are growing rapidly and are making amazing progress. On Monday, June 26, we had a Lunch and Learn session on the topic of marketing strategy with one of our advisors,Dan Towvim.丹在定制分享他的故事和经验er segmentation/analysis, product design/development, and branding. Having lots of experience in the marketing field, Dan was able to use his expertise to help our entrepreneurs avoid major mistakes when branding their product/business. It was also Hannah’s birthday on that day. SVP members went to Hei Lai Moon to celebrate her birthday. HBD Hannah~

Happy Birthday Hannah!

BioStructures hot seat

Vinci Hot Seat

We had two Hot Seat Sessions during week 6. This time, Chad Caisse and Gus Barber ofBioStructures, and Eagle Wu and Tiffany Yue ofVinciwere up to present their ventures. BioStructures is a venture that designs custom-fit safety boots to improve health, comfort, and safety of workers. Vinci develops virtual reality product to make product design and prototyping cheaper and faster. Thanks for Pierce Atwood for providing us space for Vinci’s Hot Seat session. I would guess a fancy conference room actually put more pressure on Vinci when delivering their pitch!

We had a short break on Wednesday, June 28, a sunny warm day, so we had an ice cream social.

Lucia Maffei visiting SVP

All the SVP members were excited to meet Lucia Maffei, a staff writer at Bostinno, to chat about our program activities and fun happenings.

The July 4 break was a good time for all of our entrepreneurs to get some rest after six weeks of hard working. Everybody was refueled up with energy and ready to hustle. Wilson Tang was up for Hot Seat after we came back from the short break. His venture Knetic aims to revolutionize the way physical therapy treats and manages patients with the power of IoT and advanced data analytics.

Dan Marques Visit to SVP

On Friday, July 7, we were honored to have Dan Marques, Senior Director of eCommerce and Online Marketing for Talbots, come for lunch with us and hold office hours. We were also surprised to learn that Dan actually piloted the Summer Venture Program in 2009. Shout out to Dan’s hard work eight years ago when the program just started!

Summer Venture Showcase is on Thursday July 27,register now! >>