Living Entrepreneurship Blog/ Tag: Startup Scene

Alexandra Dunk

Ups,Downs,and Lessons: How 2 Survive from Failure

Is failure a f-word?我们说不——尽可能的强硬,there are opportunities that come along with failure.由玛丽·盖尔主持,Senior Lecturer of Entrepreneurship,一个由巴布森大学校友和金博宝教授组成的小组——Emily Lagasse MBA'15,费德威尔宠物食品和佩特威尔供应;Kenneth (K.J.) Neilson MBA'11,企业家;伊恩·索08,…

Alexandra Dunk

老龄化和护理数字健康机会,Problems,and Pitches

The problems facing the aging population are getting bigger and bigger – and so is the opportunity to innovate.On Thursday,10月11日,the Blank Center,Aging2.0 Boston,马萨诸塞州健康研究所正合作推出“老年与关爱数字健康”的反向宣传。老龄化服务行业的主要参与者将展示他们所看到的……



企业家艾米丽·克罗宁(Emily Cronin)19年工商管理硕士(MBA)告诉我一些关于你自己和你公司的体育暴乱?在SportsRiot,我们在独特的目的地创造以运动为中心的节日体验,让希望与他人建立联系的成年人庆祝对运动的共同热爱。I am a part of the two year MBA program here at 金博宝Babson.我的背景…


2018 SVP Startup Profile: Waec

Entrepreneurs Brett Wagner MS‘18 Sarveshwaran Jayaraman Neal Wagner Tell me a little bit about yourselves and your company Waec?Waec's mission is to make things more accessible for everybody and to do it in a way that minimizes disturbances in urban environments.We make small,safe,安全,and autonomous ground drones that travel on sidewalks…


2018年SVP启动概况:Shay Jaffar

Entrepreneur Shaymaa Gaafar MBA ‘19 Tell me a little bit about yourself and your company Shay Jaffar?Shay Jaffar is a luxury fashion brand that aims to curate glamorous fashionable clothes to leave modest women feeling empowered.我从小就梦想拥有自己的时尚品牌…



企业家Hari Mahesh'19告诉我一些关于你自己和你公司的独家新闻。ai? is a fashion intelligence company that focuses on predicting the future of fashion with data.我们通过我们的专有算法和数据驱动的洞察力,使我们的客户能够走在时尚的前沿。So to run through the…


2018 SVP Startup Profile: Gentle

Entrepreneur April Chen ‘19 Tell me a little bit about your company Gentle?Gentle bridges the gap between empathy and action.We provide a meaningful way for people to connect with each other,and we do this through cards.What is the story behind Gentle?在我大二的时候,金博宝Babson's campus was going…



企业家Larissa Moreira'20 Mara Steiu'20 Georgia Gabriela,Stanford ‘20 Tell me a little bit about yourselves and your company ignitED?ignitED is an educational platform for high school students to connect with and receive mentorship from college students who attend the best colleges in the world.告诉你一点我们的情况,…


2018 SVP Startup Profile: Gaido

Entrepreneurs Colleen Leung MBA‘18 Mazen Danaf,麻省理工学院的马里恩·贝尼特斯(Marion Benitez)18岁的MBA博士告诉我一些关于你们自己和你们公司的事情?盖多是大学生的在线职业顾问。我们帮助学生了解他们喜欢什么类型的工作,evaluate their current skills sets,然后找出需要的技能…