
Antonette Ho

Founder Friday with Apparao Karri


Rachel Kim

2015 MassChallenge

MassChallenge最近访问了Babson,分享了他们的金博宝竞争和加速器。MassChallenge is the world's largest startup accelerator and competition and the first of its kind to support high impact,没有附加条件的早期企业家。They give entrepreneurs everything that they need to succeed for example they provide resources for marketing,…


Lessons from Serial Entrepreneur Ben Fischman

On July 15th,Summer Venture Program participants went on a field trip to MassChallenge.The 2014 SVP cohort had the pleasure of listening to Ben Fischman share his story.Fischman is a serial entrepreneur and business executive.费奇曼是利兹公司的创始人兼首席执行官,独家体育零售商,and Rue La La,a…


Entrepreneurial Journey of SVP Alum Joanna Meiseles M'12

On June 3rd,Summer Venture Program alum Joanna Meiseles M'12 visited the 2014 cohort to share her entrepreneurial journey.Meiseles is founder of Snip-its,美国最大的儿童发廊连锁店,and is now Senior Director of Programs and Operations at MassChallenge,the largest start-up accelerator and competition in the world.The…

Cait Porte

金博宝Babson + the MassChallenge

In January I applied to be a part of the accelerator program at 金博宝Babson,被接受了!自从我住在波士顿,对我来说,最简单的位置就是巴布森在MassChallenge的场地,金博宝in the innovation district in Boston.  I have been spending a ton of time in the office and wanted…


AltruHelp,金博宝Babson Startup,入选2011年MassChallenge决赛

MassChallenge is the world's largest $1 million startup competition & accelerator program that connects early stage entrepreneurs to the resources they need to launch high-growth,高影响力企业。In May 2011,MassChallenge joined by Governor Deval Patrick and business leaders announced 金博宝Babson startup,AltruHelp,a FINALIST in the world's largest start-up competition.Hundreds of expert judges…