

Laverne Cox在2015年ROMBA大会上发言

Laverne Cox在2015年ROMBA大会上发言

巴布森学金博宝院的两个研究生金博宝官网,吴浩天(16岁)和Satveer Singh(16岁)最近参加了18thMBA年会(“ROMBA会议”)在芝加哥凯悦酒店举行,Illinois.  This year's event drew over 1400 attendees from the LGBTQ community including students who traveled from as far as the United Kingdom and Australia.

Wu and Singh had very positive experiences as a result of the three-day conference.  While in town,they heard from four keynote speakers from different industries.  The speakers –蒂姆·吉尔,乔治Kalogridis,拉维恩考克斯,和莫甘娜贝利-都是各自行业的明星,涉及创业、金融、媒体和娱乐等多个领域。

除了主题演讲,ROMBA会议提供了建立联系的机会,人才招聘会、and dinner events.  Wu encouraged other students to attend next year because "…this conference was really organized.  Everyone was so helpful and willing to help.  It was so easy to meet and network with everyone,不管行业,公司,or position.  It was the best conference I have attended in the United States."   During the trek,Wu and Singh had the opportunity to network extensively.  Each expressed similar sentiments – namely,that the conference helped to expand their views of professional leadership within the LGBTQ community.   While at the conference,辛格会见了该公司的员工PA咨询集团他收集了宝贵的信息,最终接受了公司的全职工作。

吴会见了营销经理和公司高管美国航空公司,西南航空公司,和三角洲航空公司。在与公司高层会面后,he was able to gather insights on social media best practices.  The recommendations he received were immediately applied in aMCFE(Management Consulting Field Experience) that he worked on during the fall semester.  He credits the eventual success of the MCFE in part to the perspectives and knowledge he gained during the conference.

吴总理和辛格总理都是该委员会的成员金博宝巴布森从网络具体地说,。Wu is the club president and says that the group meets regularly on campus to organize similar events.  In fact,the group financed his trip to Chicago.  Similarly,辛格作为巴布森学院的获奖者参加了这次活动金博宝金博宝官网研究生亲和力会议奖学金其他巴布森户外网络金博宝赞助的活动包括芬威人的事件女性的晚宴,的创建变化会议,波士顿骄傲与大波士顿地区商学院的其他LGBTQ团体合作。

ROMBA演讲肯·马特森毕业于CCD和金博宝官网会计和法律部门的鲍勃·特纳是我们网络的教职员顾问。Turner explains "…the Out Network focuses on engaging current students and alumni to build a community dedicated to creating awareness as well as opportunities for personal and professional development for LGBTQ individuals and allies.  The club also works with the campus-wide LGBTQ Action Committee on activities and program development."


作者Greg McQuade (M'16),金博宝官网研究生CCD的