
金博宝Babson X Cisco酿酒商营销挑战

Not every Monday is the same at 金博宝Babson.有些是具有挑战性的。最令人振奋。4月9日星期一更令人兴奋;思科啤酒公司from Nantucket,马萨诸塞州,来到校园参加由金博宝Babson Marketing Club.

These challenges gives students an opportunity to experience life as a brand manager.俱乐部邀请公司寻找解决实际问题的方法,并允许参与者为公司制定营销计划。Cisco Brewers' challenge revolved around data.他们如何从酿酒厂的来访者那里收集数据?如何将这些数据用于营销战略?获胜的队伍将把去啤酒厂的贵宾票带回家。

所以我们在公园庄园,一边啜饮新鲜酿造的ipas,一边试图了解产品以及思科啤酒公司的独特之处。One of the company's founders and the Marketing Director took us through the history of the company and the unique experience it provides to its customers who visit Nantucket.

四个10分钟相位的第一个计时器启动,我们开始混乱,尽可能多地写在白板上。"Turn the board around,we don't want others to see what we are doing!" a team member shouted as we dreamed of spending Patriot's Day weekend in Nantucket.到第二阶段,创造性的果汁在房间里流动,你可以看到能量:人们站起来,sharing ideas and drawing flow charts on their whiteboards.We just about finished using the last corner of space on our whiteboard when the clock ran down.我们对我们的营销计划非常兴奋,所以我们自愿先介绍。以下是我们提出的计划的要素:

Ingredient 1: The Objective (The Why)

市场营销就是回答Why?'“怎么办?”“什么?”Our answer to ‘why Cisco Breweries?' was because to us,思科听起来不仅仅是一次体验。It was a culture.A place where you would want to take your friends and families and create memories only to keep coming back for more.

Ingredient 2: The Method (The How)

因为游客必须乘渡船才能到达南塔基特,我们的想法是引进一个思科的忠诚卡称为海盗的藏匿。我们建议让访客在网上预订旅行时登记这张卡,or on the ferry.提示:在填写申请卡的表格时,请使用客户统计数据。一旦他们有了在啤酒厂购物时使用的卡片,我们可以跟踪客户在哪些方面花费最多,并确定这些客户是谁。


真正的问题是,你将如何处理你正在收集的所有数据?Since the customers will be using their Pirate's Stash to purchase items at Cisco Brewers,我们可以确定购买模式。这将有助于思科啤酒公司认识到高消费消费者的来源,哪些消费者群体需要接受更多营销等。

At the end of all the wonderful creative presentations,思科啤酒公司的团队,走到我们的桌子前问我们,“你想在哪个周末去南塔基特?”.I can't wait to go there with my fellow classmates and experience the Cisco Brewers culture.