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金博宝Babson Under金博宝官网graduate Business Wins Collegiate Next Great Consumer Brands Competition


金博宝Babson under金博宝官网graduatesHanson Grant'16和Ken Zhang‘16 were recognized once again for their innovative business,Think Board,bythe Terry College of Businessfor theNext Great Consumer Brands Award.Think Board获得了25000美元的现金奖励,并邀请其在下一届伟大消费品牌大会at NASDAQ in New York City on April 27,2016.

The Next Great Consumer Brands Conference brings together upcoming and leading consumer and retail companies to present their new and innovative products to leading investors,private equity firms and investment banks.Executives from Consensus Advisors and some of the country's leading private equity firms will also be in attendance to provide students with invaluable insight and expertise.

Think Board是一种可移动的干擦膜,可以转动任何墙壁,门,或者把书桌放在可擦除的画布上。Think Board is unlike other dry erase products because it is clear,goes onto any surface easily,可拆卸,不会损坏油漆或墙壁。

Think Board已经在新闻媒体上出现,比如,The Today Show,USA Today College,The Boston Globe,andYahoo Finance.

"It was an incredible opportunity to pitch in front of a very successful panel of judges,格兰特说:“我们也有机会结识一些来自全国各地致力于消费品牌的顶尖企业家。”"Also,it was the first time that Ken joined me for the pitch,我真的能感觉到我们之间的化学反应!”

Stay tuned for an update from the Next Great Consumer Brands Conference!