Creating Social Value Blog/Social Innovation

Defining Social Innovation

What gets us out of bed every morning here atThe Lewis Instituteis a driving desire to use entrepreneurship to change the world for the better. We believe that Entrepreneurial Thought & Action® is one of the best assets the world has to tackle societal issues, and want to put these tools into the hands of as many of today and tomorrow’s leaders as possible.

This space – broadly referred to as Social Innovation – is rapidly changing and evolving. Building on Babson’sDefine Entrepreneurshipcampaign, we launched a campaign earlier this year inviting people to post what social innovation means to them:Define Social Innovation. The response so far has been overwhelming. Here are a few of our favorites:

Social Innovation is:

Bringing together business models and design to drive sustainable social impact.

-Imran Khoja, CEO Designed Good

Using business to change lives for the better.

-Heidi Neck, Babson Entrepreneurship Professor

Bringing both love and business lens to the table.

-Rachel Greenberger, Associate Director, Food Sol

Creating a better world by design rather than angry politics.

-Nate Garvis, CEO Naked Civics

What’s your take? Share your definition at: