澳门金博宝188官方网站创建社会价值博客/Tag: CGI U

12 Babson Students Accepted to CGI U 2015

Twelve Babson students have been invited to attend the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative University, held from March 6-8 at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. The meeting will bring together over 1,000 student leaders from more than 35 universities across the country who have pledged a Call to Action in one of CGI…

Spotlight on Social Innovation: CGI U

艾米丽(Emily)和12名巴布森金博宝(Babson)学生选择参加今年的CGI U年度会议,度过了愉快的时光,探索ASU校园,网络和分享他们的工作。在这里查看他们旅行的照片!在接下来的几个月中,您将收到学生在那里的经历,并在后面获得内部故事……