
金博宝Babson Hatchery

Overcoming Challenges

下面的帖子来自Kimia S金博宝adeghi'20,露阿娜饮料LLC的创始人。Luana销售健康,high-quality,Hawaiian-inspired beverages.我的饮料初创企业Luana的第一次生产运行是我一生中最大的成就之一。It was the result of a year and a half of hard work and dedication…

Jake Maude

SVP Blog Series: Waku

As featured in Bostinno,Bevnet,BeverageDaily.com and FoodNavigator-USA,waku(原名wanku)被描述为“健康的,natural,香醇可口的饮料。Derived from a traditional recipe of an indigenous people in the Andes Mountains,这是一个饮料的影响。Prior to Waku,there was little market access to the drink,and people…

Ziyan Liu


Founders: Juan Giraldo MBA'18: Co-founder & CEO Nicolás Estrella: Co-founder & CMO What's Wanku?Wanku is bringing a delicious herbal infusion known as the ‘healing water' that has been consumed for centuries in the Andes Mountains because of its health properties.What is the story behind your startup?7 months ago me (Juan) and my…

Superleaf is the New Coconut Water

对于那些不知道“超级叶”是什么的人,it's a premium,all-natural aloe vera drink made with organic aloe.It kind of tastes like grape juice,only better.The pulp inside the beverage is actual aloe vera gel,刚从芦荟叶子上剥下来的,then finely sliced to create an amazing hydrating experience.…