Creating Social Value Blog/标签:社区

Being Present

“你知道这是多么罕见的是,看到一群人如此专心地呈现并注意到他们对他们很重要?”因此,在电子邮件发送了关于他参加上个月的第六名Babson Food Day的电子邮件,所以在肯德斯顿斯科特·斯科顿斯科顿斯科顿斯科顿爵士的联合创始人兼首席执行官。金博宝正如我早些时候写的那样......


Growing Community of Social Changemakers at Babson

Babson College和Lewis Ins金博宝官网titute的Babson C金博宝ollege和本科学者的本科学员由Prabha Dublish。当我在Babson进入我的二年级学期的第二个学期时,我感谢我迄今为止在追随我激情的同时成为个人的机会。金博宝当艾米莉,...的副主任

The Babson Way at its Best!

萨尔瓦多is home to a few tough gangs. These gangs of young men were initially begun in L.A. and Chicago. The 2011 U.N. study on Global Homicide found that Honduras had the highest murder rate of 82 deaths per 100,000 people, while El Salvador was second with 62 murders per 100,000. For reference the…