Creating Social Value Blog/ tag:创业思想与行动 - 第2页

Amplifying Entrepreneurial Education in Tanzania

By Sarah Schwartz, Manager of Operations for Youth Programs. It’s morning in Karatu, Tanzania, and the sound of rhythmic clapping hands is echoing against the walls in Michela’s Room at the Ganako School. A hundred students, sitting on long wooden benches, have gathered for the final day of Babson’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy (BELA). Instruction begins,…

Contextualizing Food Entrepreneur Questions Series

Food Sol支持各种形式的食品企业家精神 - 从整个行业范围内的食品和服务初创公司到食客的企业家精神:构想,即通过钱包和盘子,任何食用的人都可以促进和影响食品的未来。大量媒体在其明显的表现中涵盖了食品企业家精神 - 拖尾…


Babson College青年企业家领导力计划的计划和课程管理员Janai Mungalsingh ’08。金博宝作为我们教育创造良好经济和社会价值的企业家领导者的使命的一部分,刘易斯学院的青年企业家计划将于1月27日至28日举办第一次年度激活Babson的高中教育前学会前课程课程会议。金博宝

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Empowering Emerging Female Leaders

每年,我都期待着100名来自女子2 Women International(W2W)的年轻女性到达校园,以培养成为家庭社区领导者所需的工具,人际关系和机会。W2W是一个由Empower Peace创建的计划,Empower Peace是一个旨在弥合年轻人之间文化和交流的组织。


For two years, Food Sol has been in recipe development for our Community Table, a design that weekly brings together food entrepreneurs and students of food to exchange resources and ideas. It became popular at Babson pretty quickly, which led to a question: How would it do in other contexts and communities where the entrepreneurial…


By Sarah Schwartz, the City Director for Boston Lemonade Day. During the first ten days of the new year, Babson Master of Science in Management students traveled to Jackson, Mississippi. There they worked with middle school students teaching them the life skills of the Lemonade Day Program. Our MSM students utilized their ET&A® training while…

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Big D Tapping into the Entrepreneurial Spirit

一周前,我们启动了Eprov Studio作为Babson社会创新实验室的一部分。金博宝我们的第一次订婚是在佛罗里达州萨拉索塔(Sarasota)举行的第七届正面衰老年度会议上举行的会议前会议上,与50岁以上的热情,富有创造力,高度互动和好奇的年龄段的房间。在Eprov Studio,我们相信…