Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Taking Advantage of Conference Season…Even in this Weather

This post was written by Jacob Vick ’15, CCD Peer Career Ambassador

With the hope of the weather finally turning and a chance at some spring weather, many organizations are quickly approaching their dates for conferences. March and April can be a busy time for conferences in the Babson Area so here are a few things to take into consideration to take full advantage of these opportunities.

Starting at square one…

仅仅因为你仍在学校或没有your own business to talk about doesn’t mean you should miss out. There is nothing wrong with simply attending the sessions and trying to learn something from the speakers. Don’t let the pressure of networking overwhelm you so much that you don’t even attend. Work your way up, and get the experience under your belt.

Some bag lunch bonding…

Take advantage of the few “forced networking” opportunities that are naturally going to come up during the conference. Talk with the people joining your breakfast/lunch table, the ones you sit next two during the panels, and those you may make small talk with as you shuffle between different rooms. Everyone there is already in networking mode and it will only add to making conversations and asking for business cards that much smoother. (Side Note: even though you are a student, most will still expect you to have a business card. Check with Canon to see if you can get some of the official Babson business cards.)

Not for your class but maybe for your career…

It may sound too much like classwork but it is very important to take notes and keep track both of the people that you meet but also from the speakers that you hear. It may come in handy in sending out those follow up emails to have a few quick comments or notes to go off of.

Conferences provide great opportunities to get out and meet other people with a similar interest. There is definitely a huge advantage of getting started early on these important pieces in your career development and of course feel free to drag a friend along with you.