Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Great Expectations

Hello everyone, my name is Brooke Carrobis and I am a rising junior at Babson College. First off I will tell you a little about myself. I am a passionate and adventurous person who loves competitive swimming and traveling. At Babson I am involved in Model United Nations, the Honors Program, and this upcoming year I will be a Spark Peer Tutor. For the summer of 2015 I will be interning as part of the marketing department for Ardsley Partners in Stamford, Connecticut. Given that I was the Chief Marketing Officer of my FME business, Babson Honey, I am excited to see how the marketing experience will compare. My main marketing tasks for the internship will consist of overhauling their sales force system and helping with graphics for their PowerPoint presentations and brochures.

The internship at hand will enable me to learn more about the marketing and banking industries. I am interested in the marketing field and I know the connections I make will help me with my future success. I will not only learn about marketing from a completely different perspective, but I will master the sales force system, which is the largest cloud database used by businesses. Therefore, one of my major personal goals is to learn the sales force system inside and out. It will be a useful skill moving forward that I can add to my resume and potentially use in the future for a different internship or job. Another personal goal I have is to tackle tasks with a positive attitude and enthusiasm. I know the work I will be doing will get repetitive, but every day I want to complete it with the same level of interest and professionalism.

I cannot wait to see how my internship unfolds and bring the lessons I learn back to the greater Babson community.