Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Take Care of Yourself and Each Other

Take Care of Yourself

Wow, it is December already. As we enter the season of cramming for final exams, sleeplessness, holidays, and overindulging try to remember to take care of yourself and each other. Our bodies and our minds need good healthy food, rest, and exercise to keep functioning at an optimal level. The last thing you want is to oversleep for an exam, or be sick heading in to finals, so please take some time to care for you! Babson offers many opportunities to help manage stress during final exams. Be sure to check some of these programs out as you see them advertised around campus. Also check out these tips posted in the Huffington Post:Final Exam Stress: 10 Ways To Beat End-Of-Semester Anxiety.

The semester is coming to an end, and you will be heading off campus to return to family, friends, or travel. Between now and then, watch out for your friends on campus, offer help or just a listening ear to those who seem stressed out. Be patient with team mates when tempers run short as group project deadlines and exams creep up on all of you. We all need help some times. Be there for your neighbors, friends, teammates, classmates. Take care of yourself, and each other. Good Luck with your finals!