

TheHULT奖基金会是一个崭露头角从世界大学出现的年轻社会企业家的启动加速器。这是社会良好的最大学生竞争。The annual, year-long competition crowd-sources ideas from students after challenging them to solve a pressing social issue around topics such as food security, water access, energy, and education. Winners receive $1million in seed capital, donated by the Hult Family (Founders ofEF), as well as mentorship and advice from the international business community. The Prize is a partnership between Hult International Business School and the克林顿全球倡议(CGI)。今年的挑战解决了拥挤的城市空间问题;去年的挑战专注于幼儿教育。我问了去年的Babson Hult奖竞赛的获奖者分享他们与我们的经历。金博宝我很高兴他们同意了!

hult prize以下客座博客是由Michael Horbowy和Daniel Coley编写的:

During our first year at Babson, we were part of a small group of friends who formed a team to work on several projects together; the Hult Prize Competition was probably the hardest. We were forced to learn on-the-go and really trust and rely on our fellow team members.赢得Babson Hult奖竞赛后金博宝,我们在3月份开发了新的商业模式并批评了我们解决方案的每一部分。虽然我们的团队没有超越波士顿区域决赛,但这里有几个经验教训,这些课程从我们的时间竞争,为城市贫民窟带来早期儿童教育。


Initially our solution revolved around providing services to children in India. The main problem we faced was that services work very well in local areas, but they are extremely difficult to cost-effectively scale. After much debate and modeling, our team decided to pivot to a product-based solution which increased our potential reach by millions of children, shortened the estimated period of time it would take to reach them, dramatically cut costs, and reduced logistics and operations needed to successfully launch our company.



Build a Diverse Team.


After the competition, our team decided not to continue with our solution because we were focused on getting summer internships. Overall, the competition was an amazing experience for our team; we were able to push ourselves to learn a completely new subject, and test our ability to work in a small team over the course of several months. We would definitely work together again, but if given the option, we would work on an issue that we are more knowledgeable about.