Undergraduate Blog/Career Development


As I only have 2 more weeks of my internship left, I wanted to provide some dialogue about what I think my biggest accomplishments for my summer internship are. I have been given many projects, assignments, and duties throughout this summer and it’s time I take a moment to look at where I started and where I am now.

当我在第一天走进Ywca Hartford地区时,我很紧张,但准备开始。在我的第一个几周期间,我获得了非常“低风险”任务(填充信封,输入数据等) - 我真正没有搞砸的东西。在这些第几周之后,我感到沮丧,这些任务是令人沮丧的,如果她认为我准备继续前进“更重要的”就业,那么我的主管就会询问我的主管。她很高兴我感到自信,然后从那时起一直在努力社交媒体生成和商业伙伴关系等事情。在今年夏天的过程中,我已经完成了对我的技能充满信心的能力,自充分工作,并准备接受新的挑战。这为我提供了在ywca上工作的机会,并了解所有新的计划和技能。

Moving forward from YWCA I hope that I can take these accomplishments with me to open up new opportunities for myself not only in the business world but also at Babson. Babson has already given me a ton of support and opportunities and my first two years and I want to show the people that I work with that I have grown and I am ready for the real world.