Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

References & Letters of Recommendation

As the summer comes to a close, so do many summer internships. As your internship begins to wrap up be thinking about how you can talk about you experience in interview for next summer and be thinking about how your current supervisor can continue to assist you in your career development. The most common way past supervisors can give you a leg us is by writing letters of recommendation and serving as a reference for you. Many jobs and internships require references and letters of recommendation, so talk with your boss to see if they are open to doing these things for you. When asking your boss to write a recommendation, give them bullet points of things you would like them to emphasis in their letter. Also, get the recommendation tailored to the job you are applying to. The best way to go about this is to give your old supervisor the job description of the position you are applying for so they can tailor their letter for that specific position. Lastly, letters of recommendation can make or break your application, only submit them if they are required and make sure the person writing your recommendation is the best person to speak on your behalf for the position you are applying for. Good luck with your summer 2019 internship search.