Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

The Intern Pitch

And just like that, my 10-week internship program at GreyHealth Group is complete! The last week of the internship was highlighted by the annual intern pitch in front of a crowd consisting of Erin Byrne, the company CEO, Senior level Vice Presidents and ghg’s clients from Merck. Our pitch prompt was to create strategies, tactics and recommendations to increase branding and sales for two of Merck’s products. Our intern class was divided into 3 teams and we were given 4 days to come up with these strategies, tactics and recommendations.

我的团队调查了发展DTC或直接to consumer side of marketing and also identifying regional/location trends and characteristics. For the DTC aspect, my team did lots of primary research such as going into local drug stores, doctors offices and even talking to people in parks around the office. When we looked at regional/location trends we attempted to break down how the sales of Merck’s product were sold, distributed and marketed in different locations around the United States. We utilized our other GreyHealth Group office in Kansas City for this data as well as a third party analyst who also works with these products.

After pulling together our research, we developed our strategies and then derived tactics to to increase sales and branding. These tactics and strategies were presented analytically and creatively through our quantitative and qualitative research.

Although my team was not victorious, my team had lots of bright spots to be proud of which were highlighted by the Merck clients and ghg’s CEO Erin. We took all that feedback and regrouped as a team to help us make improvements to carry on with us to our academic schoolwork and in general. Overall this was a fabulous experience and I’d definitely like to credit FME for giving me a leg up in this competition with spectacular presentation etiquette!