Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Office Space Remade

Mediacom Office

I never thought that I would be the type of person to get excited about an office job. The lifestyle didn’t seem like the right fit for me. 9-6, stuffy dress codes, gray offices, and people you’d prefer to avoid rather than spend 40+ hours a week with. And it makes sense. Presented like that, those facets of work seem horrific.

What I’ve learned though, in my internship so far, is that the cultural norms for office jobs are changing. 9-6 doesn’t seem as bad if you can come and go as you please, have a rooftop deck in-office to work from, and get free snack time & cold brew on tap. Dress codes are starting to get less and less formal, as companies begin to understand that better work is produced when people feel comfortable. Grey-scale business suits are becoming a thing of the past, while clean looking, on-trend clothes is encouraged. Offices have become beautifully decorated, with much attention to higher ceilings, natural light, colorful decor, and comfy furniture that is more reminiscent of a college dorm room than any scene from Office Space.

GroupM Office Communal Space

What has pleasantly surprised me the most is the friendly office culture that seemed foreign to me before entering it. Offices aren’t cut-throat and boring, they’re actually pretty fun. Your managers are more like wise friends than bosses, and the people you work with genuinely want you to succeed. Banter is encouraged, people are actually cool, and office parties are way better than any put on by the Party Planning Committee from The Office.

Internships are supposed to prepare you for the real world, and this one, if nothing else, has gotten me properly excited for post-grad life. As long as you are loving what you learn, what you do, and who you’re around, the right office-job is definitely conducive to a healthy and successful professional experience.