Undergraduate Blog/Defining Your Babson

Traveling Tips

Although I have learned a lot during my internship so far, one of the aspects I have learned a lot about is traveling. Over the course of my internship, I will have traveled to six different places. Here are some traveling tips and lessons when traveling for work.

  • Pack lightly – If possible, ask for a packing list so you know exactly what you need to bring on your trip and can avoid packing unnecessary items. Especially if you’re only traveling for a short period of time, it’s a hassle having to unpack everything you pack once you arrive at your destination as well as when you return.
  • Pack valuables and anything you may need for work in your carry on – You’ll always have your carry on with you so if anything happens to your checked luggage or if you get delayed or stuck somewhere you will have your work essentials. If your checked bag gets lost, while you’re waiting for them to locate it at least you can still work.
  • If you’re traveling frequently, get TSA precheck – If you’re actually traveling significantly, your company may even pay for TSA precheck for you. TSA precheck basically allows you to go to a separate line for security and it saves you a lot of time. Not only are there less people, you also don’t have to take anything out of your bags for them to go through the scanning machine.
  • Do some research on the place you are traveling to ahead of time – If you get any downtime while on your work trip, you can explore the area or visit cool food places. If you do your research ahead of time you won’t have to waste your time on your trip doing so and will already have an idea of what is special about the area you are traveling to.